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Unlocking Insights
in Heart Failure

LynxCare's comprehensive data network offers fresh insights into patients with heart failure (HF), including but not limited to comorbidity factors, treatment patterns, adverse events (HF related readmission, and median overall survival). With over 20.000 estimated patients and 235 variables measured, our granular and quality-controlled real-world dataset can unlock invaluable insights into the treatment and prognosis of heart failure, empowering clinicians to make informed decisions.

HF Insight LP-1

Closing the Gap
The Value of Unstructured Data in Heart Failure

Comorbidity Data Gap

The majority of clinical trials on heart failure exclude patients with significant comorbidities, which can lead to a lack of real-world representation. Our data asset offers insights into the relationship between specific comorbidities, adverse events, and treatment outcomes in heart failure patients, bridging this important knowledge gap and informing comprehensive care decisions. For example, our data reveals a higher prevalence of comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease (10%) (NLP enriched) compared to structured data alone (5%).

Reason for Treatment Line Switch

Structured data alone provides only a partial understanding of treatment decisions in heart failure. By combining structured data with rich EHR narrative data, we can gain deeper insights into the reasons for treatment line switches, such as adverse events and individual patient characteristics.
For instance, our data shows a higher detection rate of autoimmune diseases (13.5%) (NLP enriched) compared to structured data alone (4.7%).

Real-World Insights

Leveraging our real-world dataset, with a mean follow-up time of over four years, we can analyze adverse events, treatment patterns, and overall survival in heart failure patients in real time. These insights provide valuable information about the patient journey and can help guide treatment decisions.

Unpacking the Data
The Sources Behind Our Insights

  • Patient demographics
  • Vital signs
  • Claims data
  • Echocardiography
  • Medications
  • Lab data
  • Active and inactive medical problems
  • Surgical interventions
  • Hospital procedures, visits & hospitalizations
  • In and out of hospital mortality
  • Drug regimens
  • Doses and durations of drugs
  • Up titration & co concomitant medication

Heart Failure Dataset Insights

Our dataset* provides valuable insights into Heart Failure, including but not limited to:

HF dataset insights

* 30D readmission: 30-day readmission | ** ACE-I: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, ARB: Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, ARNI: Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitor, MRA: Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists, BB: Beta Blockers, SGLT2-I: Sodium-Glucose Transport Protein 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors

Note that the patient counts provided are specific to our Belgian dataset. Details on the representativeness and diversity of the Belgian dataset for global studies can be found below. The LynxCare datasets continue to expand, encompassing real-world data from hospitals across Europe. Complete the form on the right to gain further details and to discuss your study needs with one of our RWE experts.

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Advancing Heart Failure Research

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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Explore our groundbreaking research in heart failure through our peer-reviewed publications.

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Presented Conference Abstracts

Gain valuable insights into heart failure as our experts share their knowledge at scientific conferences.

Unlock Research Questions
Insights for Life Science Companies

Our dataset offers life science companies unparalleled insights into the relationship between specific biomarkers, comorbidities, and treatment outcomes in Heart Failure.

Research Question/
Titration/Dosing Treatment dynamics Incidence & Prevalence Adherence Efficacy Indication split Safety profile
Lab results & echocardiography      
Hospital visit & admissions            
Genetic drivers
Adverse events          

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How Pharma Can Leverage LynxCare's Dataset 

Pharmaceutical companies leverage LynxCare's comprehensive EU dataset to gain insights and develop new treatments.
Our data is particularly useful for:

Building Trust
Quality Control and Data Freshness

Quality Control

We adhere to strict data quality standards to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our data. Our team of experts verifies and validates data from intake, data processing up till analytics, ensuring consistency and completeness throughout the patient pathway. Each statistic needs to be validated by the individual hospital before delivery.

Data Freshness

Our data is updated regularly to ensure we provide insights based on the latest and most accurate information. Leveraging our HL7-based gateway, our datasets remain fresh with a max of 6-months delay.

OMOP CDM Data Warehouse

Our data is stored in the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM), enabling easy access and integration with other healthcare or research IT solutions. With our well-structured and standardized data storage, our clients can start analyzing the data immediately and efficiently.

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HF patient insights

Patient Insights
More Than Just Numbers

Individualized Care

Our data asset goes beyond just providing numbers and statistics. It offers insights into the individual pathways of HF patients, enabling clinicians to tailor treatments to the specific needs of each patient.

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

Our data asset has been used by healthcare providers as well as clinical researchers, enabling cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation in HF treatment and management, leading to insights useful to compare OS in the real-world vs phase III trials in different treatment line settings.

Impact on Patient Outcomes

Ultimately, our data asset aims to improve the lives of HF patients by providing insights that lead to better clinical outcomes and patient experiences. With our comprehensive dataset, clinicians and researchers can tailor treatments to the real-world patient population, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

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How Hospitals Can Benefit from a LynxCare Database 

LynxCare builds hospital databases according to OMOP Common Data Model standards, complying with OHDSI standards. Data is collected from both structured and unstructured hospital data sources, using LynxCare's proprietary clinical NLP technology. LynxCare provides data quality and data traceability guarantees. This allows healthcare professionals and hospital researchers to rely on and check data quality at all times. LynxCare is used in line with (inter)national data privacy regulations. A federated data model ensures all data remains under the custody of the hospital. 

Multi-purpose use of your hospital's data

Improving Patient Care

  • Near real-time data from both structured and unstructured (i.e. free text reports) hospital data sources for health vigilance
  • Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of treatments and medicines in patient populations at your hospital

Hospital Management

  • Identify opportunities for streamlining and enhancing healthcare processes

Scientific Research & Publications

  • Initiate or participate in national and international RWE studies with research partners
  • Identify patients for clinical trials and assess trial feasibility


  • Benefit from knowledge-sharing through LynxCare's hospital network and partnerships with clinical experts

World-Class Expertise
The LynxCare Advantage


We strive for comprehensive representativity by including data from a mix of academic and non-academic centers. This approach allows to capture the real-world patient and treatment pathway.

Data Experts

Our team of data experts has a combined 50+ years of experience in healthcare data analytics and quality control.

Clinical Experts

We partner with clinical experts in HF and other specialties to ensure our data offers relevant and valuable insights for healthcare professionals.

Hospital Network & Data Access

Hospitals remain in control of their own data. Each RWE request is individually handled following data governance guidelines and timelines as agreed in our Master Service Agreement to accelerate the delivery of clinical insights.

Partnership with the best statistical firms

LynxCare partners with statistical firms who already have a working relationship with life science companies.

Differentiating factors from other NLP providers & established RWD vendors
Differentiating Factors

Size and Granularity

Our data asset contains over 20.000 heart failure treated patients and 235 variables measured throughout the patient pathway, offering exceptional granularity for analysis.

Data Quality and Freshness

Our strict data quality standards and regular updates ensure that our dataset is both reliable and up-to-date, providing the most valuable insights for our clients.

Disease-specific NLP

Our NLP is disease-specific. As a result, the data is far more complete compared to other broad NLP vendors.

OMOP-CDM Data Warehouse

Our dataset is stored in the widely-used OMOP-CDM format, enabling our clients to easily integrate our data with other healthcare or research IT solutions.

Fast Data Access

We run projects on databases already built and manage your expectations upfront with a feasibility check for your study protocol. 
HF innovation

The Future of Heart Failure Treatment
How LynxCare Can Help

Personalized Medicine

By providing insights into individual pathways of heart failure patients, our data asset enables clinicians to tailor treatments to specific patient needs, opening up the possibility of personalized medicine (ATTR-CM, Cardiorenal syndrome, SGLT-2 eligibility,...)

Improved Outcomes

By providing insights into the clinical pathway of heart failure patients, our data asset aims to ultimately improve patient outcomes by providing valuable insights for clinicians and researchers (e.g. impact on mortality when admitted via geriatrics).

Continued Innovation

With our comprehensive dataset and world-class expertise, we aim to continue to drive innovation in heart failure treatment and management, ensuring that the latest insights and solutions are available to healthcare providers and researchers.

* LynxCare datasets concern datasets within the LynxCare's European hospital network. The hospitals are the data controllers. No commitment before site approval on RWE request.